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Customer Life Stories

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Our medical IDs touch many lives every day and we are thankful to our customers who share how we've made a positive impact in their life. Here are some of their stories and testimonies.

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Cassie Cassie

Cassie L.

"I have a seizure disorder and wanted a medical ID bracelet that would look stylish, but also stand out in a medical situation. It has been the best purchase I’ve ever made!!  It has given me the reassurance I need to be able to go out in public and speak for me when I cannot. It has proven itself in a medical emergency and I can’t encourage anyone enough to purchase one. It might just save your life!"

Susan Bandias

"In November 2018 I became very ill with what I thought was a reoccurring virus. Blood tests indicated a severe infection. However, it took three admissions to hospital, numerous CT scans, an MRI and a biopsy on my spleen to diagnose what was actually causing my high temperatures, pain in the left side of my abdomen and extreme lethargy. I had contracted Melioidosis, an infectious disease of the tropics that has a high fatality rate. The Melioidosis bacteria had settled in my spleen and despite three months on IV antibiotics and twice daily visits from the hospital in the home team, the Melioidosis showed no signs of eradication. Ultimately, I had a splenectomy which has left me with a compromised immune system. Eight months after my initial diagnosis I am still a patient of the Royal Darwin Hospital Infectious Disease team. However, I now show no signs of Melioidosis and my overall health and well-being has greatly improved. I now wear a medical ID bracelet that indicates I have had a splenectomy - along with a schedule of regular immunisation my bracelet gives added “health insurance” in the event I have another life-threatening medical emergency."

Lynne Hallam

"Thank you, we finally found a medical alert band to fit my grandson's tiny wrist. He loves it, and won't take it off (which of course suits us). I have recommended you to other mums!"

Amy Lee Fisher

"I know how important a medical ID is and at times they can be a life-saving aid! I personally love my Medical ID so much! It’s super stylish, elegant and beautiful, and makes the ID actually something I want to wear. I get so many compliments and questions about where it’s from so here it is, I couldn’t recommend them enough to you all."

Wendy Laing

"I'm so pleased to have my IHR bracelet, and ID necklace & medical card, which proved its worth a couple of years ago when I was admitted into hospital with pneumonia. The doctors & nurses had immediate access to everything that they need to know, regarding my medical conditions, allergies & current medications, plus they had the ability to look up important files via my link online. MyIHR is a true lifesaver & protector! I live a full life and know that in an emergency, doctors, nurses, & ambulance staff can access my information easily."

Rob Moss

"I've had an allergy to penicillin for quite some time now and have been always saying i should get a medical ID bracelet but kept putting it off until a recent trip to hospital for an operation in which they gave me penicillin even though they ask you all the time do you have any allergies. So, I ordered one straight away after getting out and will wear it all the time to highlight the fact that I have a medical condition so this doesn't happen again."

Judy Crockett

"I got my first ID bracelet almost 3 years ago after being diagnosed with AF and being put on anticoagulant medication. It gives me great peace of mind to know that in an emergency medical staff will know of my condition and be able to make the right treatment decisions. I really love that ID bracelets are now available in fashionable options and colours."

Bill Lindsay

"I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease when I was 59 in 2003. I have since had the DBS (Deep Brain Operation) which has helped me immensely to combat dyskinesia. I had to leave my job as the Traffic Facilities Manager 9 years ago. Since that time, I have been actively helping other PD sufferers. My wife Robyn & myself run the Manly/Mosman Parkinson's Support Group which meets once a month. We have traveled overseas to the Parkinson's World Congress firstly in Montreal in 2013 then, last year in Portland, Oregon. Hopefully, I will be well enough to attend the next one in 2019 in Kyoto, Japan. My walking & balance has suffered greatly but thanks to a new cobaltite walker I can get around. My identify bracelet is a great comfort to me especially as I tend to fall a lot & now people can read my bracelet & know I have Parkinson’s."

Scott A.

"I've worked in the outdoor adventure industry my whole life. I've worked as a lifeguard from pools to lakes, as a climbing guide, backcountry wilderness guide and as a survival instructor. With the years I've worked in the outdoor adventure industry I've come across a number of medical alert bracelets and similar apparel with customers and people I've had to rescue over the years. To say that the medical alert system has caused me to save lives would be accurate."