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Mental Health Medical ID Bracelet and Necklace Mental Health Medical ID Bracelet and Necklace

Medical Alert Bracelets for Mental Illness

Mental health illnesses are very common, with the World Health Organization estimating that 970 million people are living with a mental health illness every day.

Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, major depression, and anxiety disorders are examples of conditions that can affect the day-to-day activities of persons living with a mental illness.

In the event of an emergency, it is important for mental illness to be known to emergency responders. Wearing a medical alert bracelet for mental illness or medical ID jewellery can let first responders know about a person's mental health condition.


Common Mental Health Conditions That Can Benefit from Wearing a Medical ID


  • ADHD
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome

Children and Adults Living with Mental Illness

Parents of children living with mental illness and adults themselves living with any mental condition have concerns on how to convey their specific needs in times of emergencies. One simple solution is to be wearing a medical ID at all times. This accessory can be worn as a necklace or wristband and contains engraved medical information about the person wearing it.

Mental health jewellery allows persons living with mental conditions to live safely and with peace of mind. Medical ID tags for mental illness allows first responders such as emergency personnel, physicians, including law enforcement to recognize the specific needs of a patient living with a mental health condition. A mental health medical ID can speak for the person wearing it and facilitate prompt and precise treatment while also reducing errors based on misdiagnosis.

Mental Illness and Emergencies


During an emergency, a person living with a mental illness may:

  • Have trouble communicating
  • Lose touch with reality
  • Act or behave in an unusual and/or disruptive manner
  • Resist treatment
  • Wander and get lost


Why Medical Bracelets for Mental Illness are Important


95% of emergency respondents check for a form of medical identification around the neck and wrist. Wearing a medical ID such as mental health wristbands help medical professionals understand these behavior and avoid them from being misdiagnosed. Engraved information will alert respondents and give them an idea of what’s going on and what type of help or treatment is required.

Some patients with mental conditions are also at risk of becoming disoriented and start to wander. A medical ID can assist in the safe return of loved ones by engraving an in case of emergency (ICE) contact.

Prescription drugs or medications can also be engraved into mental health medical ID tags, an important feature to alert medical professionals of significant interactions and risks.

Medical IDs for mental health can save lives and allow you or your loved one to live life to the fullest with safety, security, and peace of mind.


The Information on a Mental Health Medical Bracelet Can Save a Life

People who wear mental health medical alert bracelets are most likely to advocate for themselves in an emergency situation. This is especially important for non-verbal wearers or if the wearer of the medical ID may have difficulty explaining their medical condition.


Our Best-Selling Medical Alert Bracelets for Mental Illness

  1. Eternity Bracelet
    Eternity Bracelet
    Starting at: $77.95
  2. Lynx Onyx
    Lynx Onyx
    Starting at: $87.95
  3. Lynx Shine
    Lynx Shine
    Starting at: $87.95
  4. Rose Gold Mingle on Bead Bracelet
    Rose Gold Mingle on Bead Bracelet
    Starting at: $102.95

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